
Depending on your condition, this technique may be used to either support and stabilise or inhibit muscle function. If you are looking for kinesiotaping (Strapping and Taping )in Southampton, PhysiotCraft physiotherapists can help you to choose the right tape and apply it in right place to relieve your muscle tense.

Kinesiotaping in Southampton

Kinesio-taping (KT), or dynamic taping, consists of sticking tapes to the body using various combinations of the direction and degree of stretching of the tape.

It affects various systems in the human body, e.g. muscular, nervous, lymphatic, bone, and fascia. Kinesiotaping tapes are widely used in:

  • Applying pressure or relief
  • Immobilization of the joint or limitation of the range of motion
  • Relaxation of muscles/tendons
  • Proprioception improvement
  • Pain elimination
  • Supporting systemic stagnation (e.g. lymph)
  • Securing damaged tissues
  • Healing acceleration (e.g. reducing hematomas)

A flexible form that increases functionality or a rigid one that improves stability can be used. The tape supports the activity of weak muscles, restoration of the correct limb movements and the correct way of joint loading. The structures are relieved, and the joint remains mobile. Taping should be accompanied by additional training to re-educate the nerves and muscles and the quality of movement.

It is good to use a given patch to conduct a control test and assess the real prospects of improvement. There should be a significant change in function after the first application. The end of day test determines the effectiveness of the taping. The patient pays attention to the quality of well-being after the whole day. The application should not cause any discomfort and even bring relief.

Before the procedure, the physiotherapist degreases and dries the skin. After sticking, you need to rub the plaster to activate the glue. KT is waterproof, you can take a quick shower, but more extended baths are not recommended. No creams or ointments should be used on the tapes. In case of irritation, skin allergy, pain or sensation disorders, soak in warm water and remove the patch quickly. The application lasts from 4 to 12 days unless the therapist prescribes otherwise.

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Research on the use of kinesiotaping

Research conducted in 2017 by C.A. Logan et al. reviewed the follow-up studies to evaluate the effectiveness of knee taping in the treatment of knee pain syndrome (PFPS). Kinesiotaping is proven to support knee healing as a complementary therapy. Thanks to the application of taping and exercise, the reduction of pain, restoration of muscle balance and functional activity was observed.In 2017, Huang Y. C. and colleagues demonstrated that kinesiotaping can aid in the treatment of stroke patients with shoulder pain. A 3-week intervention with a rehabilitation program plus tajping showed a reduction in shoulder pain and disability scale, and a painless passive shoulder range (ROM).Research done by J. Bossman and N. Piller in 2010 showed that lymphatic taping may become a non-invasive method of treatment in the appearance of lymph stasis after breast cancer surgery. The method of drainage application reduces the accumulation of lymphatic fluid, which improves the quality of life of patients.

Dynamic taping under the supervision of a qualified physiotherapist

Currently, there are about 50 brands on the market that produce kinesiotaping patches. The original product, however, comes from the 1970s, which was developed by Dr. Kenzo Kase. The purpose of their creation was to support the motor organs, but not to restrict their work. Dynamic slicing gained popularity only in 2008, when Kerri Walsh’s volleyball player was wearing kinesiotaping tapes on her arm and won a gold medal.Currently, this method of physiotherapy is used not only by athletes, but also by other people struggling with various problems related to the motor apparatus. As a specialist in the field of physiotherapy and rehabilitation, I have the necessary experience to effectively tape selected parts of the body in order to restore their full fitness and get rid of motor dysfunctions. For dynamic taping, I use products with appropriate approvals and medical glue that is safe for human skin.

Kinesiotaping tapes - the benefits of using them

Kinesiotaping is a therapeutic method that is constantly gaining popularity, not only among professional athletes, but also amateurs and people struggling with various ailments and diseases of the locomotor apparatus. General opinions about the method of sticking elastic bands to selected areas of the body are very positive.Thanks to taping, it is possible to reduce the pressure on pain receptors, blood and lymph vessels, which allows them to be opened. This further improves the flow of lymph fluid and blood. Among the many manual therapy methods used by physiotherapists, kinesiotaping is becoming more and more popular due to its effectiveness and properties.

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