Sport Injury Physiotherapy
We know how a sports injury can affect our daily activity and well-being. That is why we use full-fledged therapy for sports injuries.
Physiocraft offers comprehensive treatment, physiotherapy and rehabilitation services in Southampton, Hampshire and the surrounding area.
Sport Injury Rehabilitation
Injuries occur in any sport, regardless of whether it is practised professionally or as an amateur. The main reasons can be:
- Fall, impact
- Insufficient warm-up or no warm-up at all
- No stretching
- Wrong technique
- Overloads
- Too short regeneration period
- Underestimated weight
It is crucial for us to know what to do in the event of an injury and how to prevent it in the future. In acute conditions, you need to focus on relieving the pain and maintaining function. The implementation of the Peace & Love method is helpful in this:
- P – protect
- E – elevate
- A – avoid anti-inflammatory modalities
- C – compress
- E – educate
- L – load
- O – optimism
- V – vascularisation
- E – exercise
The best option is to see a physical therapist who will assess the severity of the injury. He will perform lymphatic drainage to reduce swelling, establish an exercise program to strengthen the muscles, improve range of motion, and restore impaired function. He will re-teach the correct movement patterns and enhance the proprioception. He will intervene to support regeneration and return to physical activity using lymphatic drainage, irradiation with a Bioptron lamp, using ultrasound or magnetron.
The therapist will also provide information and tips on preparing and starting a new physical activity (e.g. motor preparation for skiing before going to the mountains). They will show you how to properly warm-up before training and muscle relaxation after it, which will prevent injuries.
The most common injuries are:
- Runner/jumper’s knee
- Sprain / strain, e.g. ankle
- Swimmer’s shoulder
- Tennis / golfer’s elbow
- Inflammation, rupture of tendons / ligaments
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
We must be aware that each trauma is different. The regeneration process is different for everyone. Our ailments are a complex problem. Therefore, the therapy covers the entire body, not only the place of the injury.
The 2019 research by Chen. ET. and al. concerned ankle joint injury. After an ankle sprain, the most beneficial intervention is an individual rehabilitation program, implemented as soon as possible.
Neuromuscular training and balance exercises support the return to sport. Manual therapy reduces pain and significantly improves stride length.
Dr Kotler et al. showed that overload has a large impact on injuries in cyclists. A poorly selected bike has an effect on pain in the knees, hips, and forearms. Correction of muscle balance disorders protects against injuries.
The work of Acevedo R. and others, published in 2014, describes the need for a comprehensive training approach to athletes. A good solution is a diverse exercise program tailored to the sport performed, the application of strength training, aerobic and pro-receptive or equivalent exercises. It is essential to teach the correct technique used in a given sport.
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Physiotherapy not only for professional athletes
Anyone who is physically active and practices any sport can benefit from physiotherapy. On the one hand, everyone wants to fulfill themselves better in the sport they practice, and on the other hand, to prevent any injuries that effectively limit the possibility of achieving the assumed goal in a given period. If you want to improve your fitness or sports results after an injury and injury, you need physiotherapy, which is carried out by a professional therapist with the use of appropriate techniques. Due to the wide specification and scope of my work, I help:
- amateur athletes,
- professional athletes,
- people who practice competitive sports,
- people planning to start training,
- people returning from treatment.
The therapy is always preceded by a comprehensive assessment of the muscular, bone, fascial and lymphatic systems. Thanks to the procedures performed, you can reduce the negative effects of uazas and effectively prevent future injuries. The treatments are completely safe. For this purpose, I use various methods of treatment, depending on the patients’ sports injuries.
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